Joel Robert Kaiser
Nashville, TN

Joel Robert Kaiser, who thankfully started going by that name as a solo artist in 2017 (more on that momentarily), enjoys being randomly asked by complete strangers about his height in the grocery isle and explaining that while yes, he did play basketball in high school, he now focuses his energies on loving his fiancée Brooke well, growing his tech startup SpokeTek, and forever singing and songwriting. About the name bit – There’s apparently another Joel Kaiser in East Nashville now and that weirds him out, so that’s why he’s happy.
Born and raised alongside the ever present overpopulation of white-tailed deer in Northern Virginia, Joel contracted Lyme around age four, most likely from petting the deer on the small walking trail.

The mission of Joel's start up company, SpokeTek, is to empower all single-language speakers to experience multilingual content and conversations, both virtual and in-person, as their very own interpreter. It provides real-time visual translation to bridge language barriers for people to connect.
Sign up to be one of the first to test SpokeTek’s beta software!

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[plee · zr] is a dadaist alt rock collaboration between producer Andrew Royal and singer Joel Robert Kaiser whose songs chronicle the misadventures of three fictional characters; Zyon, Jasper and Dez; and explore cameos of side characters within the dystopian future. Musical influences include The Gorillaz, Radiohead and Unknown Mortal Orchestra.
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joel's favorite finds
Check out what helps keep Joel healthy + feeling good!
"If you need it, this is a much better source of caffeine as its effects ease in and out more smoothly than coffee and are just as strong. While I’ve been lucky to not have chronic fatigue as a symptom of Lyme like the my sisters and mother, I do run low on energy regularly and a fresh brew of this loose leaf is the clean energy boost that gets me through most days."
"Bird seed to the untrained eye, but imo this version is really good for all you folks fighting for your tastebuds’ lives trying to live gluten free. My gut health has definitely been adversely affected since being diagnosed with Lyme aka most of my life. Again, I was very fortunate to go into remission early on, but managing my diet and food allergies that most likely stemmed from Lyme has been key to living well."
exercise, infrared sauna + grounding
"Exercise regularly! I just started a 6-week exercise challenge after not living by that advice for nearly 9 months now. Also, get in an infrared sauna on a weekly basis, if possible. Both are great ways of detoxing and managing depression! And don’t forget to ground! Take those shoes and socks off and getcher toes in the grass. This also helps greatly with my depression which, if left unmanaged, can become debilitating for me."